
December, 2023

Graduate Research Assistant Position Available: A position as a MS student or PhD student in the Innovative and Smart Infrastructure Group (ISIG) working with Dr. Wierschem is available. This position is available to US Citizens only. This student will work with Dr. Wierschem on a research project related to vibration isolation. This position is expected to begin as soon as Spring 2024; however, later start dates will be considered. Interested candidates should email Dr. Wierschem (nwiersch at with a CV. Include “ISIG Graduate Applicant” and your name in the subject of the email.

November, 2023

The paper “Impact of strongback on structure with varying damper and stiffness irregularity arrangements” authored by Abolghasemi, Wierschem, and Denavit has been published in the Journal of Constructional Steel Research.


June, 2023

Dr. Wierschem, Anika Sarkar, Sima Abolghasemi, Wyatt Cupp, and Jonathan Shell attended the 2023 ASCE EMI Conference where they gave four presentations. Additionally, Dr. Wierschem chaired a structural control session he organized.


June, 2023

The paper “Development of small-scale buckling-restrained brace analog for physical experiments of structural systems” authored by Wierschem, Kirk, and Denavit has been published in the Journal of Constructional Steel Research.


April, 2023

Dr. Wierschem won the 2023 UTK Tickle College of Engineering Professional Promise Award.


April, 2023

Griffin Barley, Carter Manson, Lucas Nelson, and Jonathan Shell present research posters at the UTK Exhibition of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement.


April, 2023

Dr. Wierschem won the Faculty Research Mentoring Award for the Tickle College of Engineering at the UTK Exhibition of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement.


April, 2023

Dr. Wierschem attended the 2023 Steel Conference / SSRC Annual Stability Conference where a paper he co-authored was presented.


February, 2023

Dr. Wierschem and Anika Sarkar attended the 2023 IMAC Conference where Anika presented a paper. Additionally, Dr. Wierschem chaired a structural control session he co-organized.


January, 2023

The paper “Performance of structures with clutch inerter dampers subjected to seismic excitation” authored by Talley, Sarkar, Wierschem, and Denavit has been published in the Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.


September, 2022

Dr. Wierschem and Jonathan Shell attended the 16th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (16MoVIC) where Jonathan gave a presentation.


August, 2022

Dr. Wierschem was promoted to the rank of associate professor with tenure.


August, 2022

Alex Shafer graduated with her MS in Civil Engineering.


June, 2022

Dr. Wierschem and Anika Sarkar attended the 8th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring where Anika presented a paper. Additionally, Dr. Wierschem chaired a passive vibration control session he organized.


June, 2022

Dr. Wierschem and Sima Abolghasemi presented at the 2022 ASCE EMI Conference. Additionally, Dr. Wierschem chaired a structural control session he organized.


April, 2022

Jonathan Shell won the Tickle College of Engineering Third Place Research Award at the 2022 UTK Exhibition of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement.


April, 2022

Paxton Lifsey, Carter Manson, and Jonathan Shell present research posters at the UTK Exhibition of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement.

January, 2022

Welcome to Kathryn Stehle who joins the group as a BS student.


December, 2021

Welcome to Jonathan Shell who joins the group as a BS student.


September, 2021

Welcome to Paxton Lifsey who joins the group as a BS student.


June, 2021

The paper “Evaluation of steel building structures with inerter-based dampers under seismic loading” authored by Talley, Javidialesaadi, Wierschem, and Denavit has been published in Engineering Structures.


May, 2021

Dr. Wierschem and Anika Sarkar presented at the 2021 ASCE EMI Conference in a structural control session organized by Dr. Wierschem.


May, 2021

Lindsay Helferich graduated with her MS in Civil Engineering.


May, 2021

Welcome to Carter Manson who joins the group as a BS student.


May, 2021

Welcome to Trey Lavender who joins the group as a BS student.


May, 2021

Welcome to Alex Burns who joins the group as a BS student.


April, 2021

Dr. Wierschem won the 2021 Tickle College of Engineering’s Teaching Fellow Award.


March, 2021

Welcome to Grady Owen who joins the group as a BS student.


January, 2021

Welcome to Alex Shafer who joins the group as an MS student.


December, 2020

Dr. Wierschem’s Freshman studies class on the engineering and physics behind toys is featured in the departmental news.

October, 2020

The paper “Design and performance evaluation of inerter-based tuned mass dampers for a ground acceleration excited structure” authored by Abdollah Javidialesaadi and Dr. Wierschem has been published in Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.


August, 2020

The paper “Displacement mitigation–oriented design and mechanism for inerter-based isolation system” co-authored by Dr. Wierschem has been published in the Journal of Vibration and Control.


August, 2020

Welcome to Sima Abolghasemi who joins the group as a PhD student.


May, 2020

Abdollah Javidialesaadi graduated with his PhD in Civil Engineering.


April, 2020

Dr. Wierschem won the UTK Civil and Environmental Engineering 2020 Research Recognition Award.


March, 2020

Congratulations to Abdollah Javidialesaadi who passed his final defense for his PhD! Sadly it could not be done in person, but he did a great job via zoom.


March, 2020

The paper “Numerical Study of the Symmetric Single-Sided Vibro-Impact Nonlinear Energy Sink for Rapid Response Reduction of a Cantilever Beam” authored by Wenke Li et al. has been accepted for publication in the Journal “Nonlinear Dynamics”.


March, 2020

The paper “Dynamic analysis of track nonlinear energy sinks subjected to simple and stochastic excitations” co-authored by Dr. Wierschem has been accepted for publication in the Journal “Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics.”


February, 2020

Dr. Wierschem gave an invited seminar during a return visit to the University of Illinois.


January, 2020

Dr. Wierschem was awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the project entitled “CAREER: Protecting Buildings and Structures from Vibration Damage using Variable Inertance Mechanisms”.


January, 2020

Dr. Denavit and Dr. Wierschem were awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the project entitled “Dual System Strongback Designs for Seismic Damage-Resistant Structures”.


January, 2020

Welcome to Ruichen Guo who joins the group as a BS student.


December, 2019

Dr. Wierschem attended the 2019 Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Users Training Workshop for the UCSD, Lehigh, and SimCenter facilities hosted by UCSD.


November, 2019

The paper “Simulating offset blast loads experimentally using shake-table-generated ground motions: Method development and validation” authored by Dr. Wierschem et al. has been accepted for publication in the Journal “Structural Control and Health Monitoring.”


November, 2019

The paper “Multi-objective design and performance investigation of a high-rise building with track nonlinear energy sinks” co-authored by Dr. Wierschem has been accepted for publication in the Journal “The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings.”


September, 2019

The paper “Numerical Study of a Single-Sided Vibro-Impact Track Nonlinear Energy Sink Considering Horizontal and Vertical Dynamics” authored by Wenke Li et al. has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Vibration and Acoustics.


August, 2019

Welcome to Anika Sarkar who joins the group as a PhD student.


August, 2019

Welcome to Lindsay Helferich who joins the group as an MS student.


July, 2019

The paper “Energy transfer and passive control of single-degree-of-freedom structures using a one-directional rotational inertia viscous damper” authored by Abdollah Javidialesaadi and Dr. Wierschem has been published in Engineering Structures.


June, 2019

Dr. Wierschem and Abdollah Javidialesaadi attended the 2019 ASCE EMI Conference in Pasadena, CA where Abdollah presented a paper and Dr. Wierschem organized a session on innovations and advances in passive structural control.


April, 2019

The paper “An Inerter-enhanced Nonlinear Energy Sink” authored by Abdollah Javidialesaadi and Dr. Wierschem has been published in the Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.


March, 2019

Dr. Wierschem won the UTK Civil and Environmental Engineering 2019 Outstanding Teaching Award.


March, 2019

Abdollah Javidialesaadi won the 2019 Extraordinary Professional Promise award at the Chancellors Honor Banquet.


March, 2019

Dr. Wierschem attended the HYSIM19 workshop on New Frontiers and Innovative Methods for Hybrid Simulation in Zurich Switzerland.


March, 2019

Dr. Wierschem attended the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) 2019 Annual Meeting in Vancouver Canada where he also participated in a post-disaster reconnaissance workshop.


January, 2019

Abdollah Javidialesaadi attended IMAC 2019 in Orlando, FL. Abdollah presented the paper “Response of a SDOF system with an inerter-based tuned mass damper subjected to non-stationary random excitation”.


December, 2018

The paper “On the energy transfer mechanism of the single-sided vibro-impact nonlinear energy sink” authored by Wenke Li et al. has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Sound and Vibration.


November, 2018

Dr. Wierschem gave a seminar during his visit to the University of Minnesota hosted by Professor Lauren Linderman.


August, 2019

Abdollah Javidialesaadi has won a top-off fellowship in recognition of his academic accomplishments.


August, 2018

Ridge Ramsey graduated with his MS in Civil Engineering.


July, 2018

Dr. Wierschem gave a seminar during his visit to Harbin Engineering University hosted by Professor Tiejun Yang and Dr. Xinhui.


July, 2018

Dr. Wierschem gave a lecture on innovations in passive structural control to the 2018 Asia-Pacific-Euro Summer School on Smart Structures Technology (APESS) hosted by Harbin Institute of Technology.

July, 2018

Dr. Wierschem attended The World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring in Qingdao, China where he presented a paper.


July, 2018

Dr. Wierschem gave a seminar during his visit to Hunan University of Technology hosted by Professor Jingling Wang.


July, 2018

Dr. Wierschem gave a lecture on Structural Health Monitoring and Structural Control for the University of Tennessee Smart Infrastructure study abroad course at Tongji University in Shanghai, China.

June, 2018

The ISIG 6DOF shake table has been installed and is awaiting commissioning later in Summer 2018.


June, 2018

Dr. Wierschem, Abdollah Javidialesaadi, and Wenke Li attended the 2018 ASCE EMI Conference in Cambridge, MA. Abdollah presented a paper at the conference on the decentralized optimization of the RIDTMD and Wenke presented a paper on the SSVI Track NES.


April, 2018

The paper “Three-element vibration absorber-inerter for passive control of single-degree-of-freedom structures” authored by Abdollah Javidialesaadi and Dr. Wierschem has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Vibration and Acoustics.


April, 2018

Dr. Wierschem has become a member of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) Structural Health Monitoring and Control (SHMC) Committee.

April, 2018

Dr. Steven Anton from Tennessee Tech University visits the University of Tennessee as a guest of Dr. Wierschem and gives the seminar “Microsecond State Monitoring: Enabling Real-Time Structural Health Monitoring”.


March, 2018

The paper “Optimal design of rotational inertial double tuned mass dampers under random excitation” authored by Abdollah Javidialesaadi and Dr. Wierschem has been accepted for publication in Engineering Structures.


February, 2018

Dr. Wierschem attended IMAC 2018 in Orlando, FL. Dr. Wierschem presented the paper “A Numerical Investigation of a Gravity-Compensated Nonlinear Energy Sink for the Passive Control of Flooring Systems”.


February, 2017

January, 2018

Dr. Wierschem and Dr. Scott Harvey from the University of Oklahoma are organizing a mini-symposium on “Innovations and Advances in Passive Structural Control” for the EMI 2018 conference in MIT in Cambridge, MA. Please see the mini-symposium flyer and the conference website for more information. The abstract deadline is January 31, 2018.

November, 2017

Tyler Short presents the poster “Bump at the End of the Bridge: Review and Analysis of Rider Discomfort” at the Center for Transportation Research 45th Anniversary Event.

September, 2017

Dr. Wierschem presents “Laser Metrology of Steel Girder Splice Connections” at the Tennessee Engineers Conference in Nashville, TN.

September, 2017

Welcome to Wenke Li who joins the group as a visiting Ph.D. Student for 1 year from Harbin Engineering University in Harbin, China.


August, 2017

Welcome to Will King who joins the group as an undergraduate research assistant.


August, 2017

Dr. Wierschem, Abdollah Javidialesaadi, Ridge Ramsey, and Codi Drake attended the 3rd Huixian International Forum on Earthquake Engineering for Young Researchers in Champaign, IL. Abdollah presented a paper at the conference on the seismic performance of inerter-enhanced tuned mass dampers.


August, 2017

Dr. Wierschem presents “Laser Metrology of Steel Girder Splice Connections” at the AASHTO T14 subcommittee meeting in Denver, CO.


July, 2015

Dr. Wierschem presents at the 13th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (13ANCRiSST) (Link) in Tokyo, Japan.


June, 2017

Dr. Wierschem attended the 2017 ASCE EMI Conference in San Diego, CA. Dr. Wierschem presented a paper at the conference on the Gravity Compensated Nonlinear Energy Sink (GCNES).


May, 2017

Welcome to Tyler Short who joins the group as a summer MS research assistant. Tyler is co-advised with Dr. Denavit.


May, 2017

Tim Jones graduates with his MS in Civil Engineering and will join Burns & Mcdonnell in Kansas City, MO.


April, 2017

Codi Drake wins the Discovery LLC Undergraduate Research Award certificate and prize at the 21st Exhibition of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement (EURECA) 2017 research poster competition.


March, 2017

Dr. Wierschem presents “Laser Metrology of Steel Girder Splice Connections” at the ASCE Knoxville Branch Professional Development Seminar.


February, 2017

February, 2017

Dr. Wierschem and Abdollah Javidialesaadi attended IMAC 2017 in Garden Grove, CA. Dr. Wierschem presented a paper at the conference on the H-infinity optimization of a rotational inertia double-tuned mass damper (RIDTMD).


September, 2016

Welcome to Codi Drake who joins the group as an undergraduate research assistant.


August, 2016

Welcome to Ridge Ramsey who joins the group as an MS student.


May, 2016

Dr. Fernando Moreu from the University of New Mexico visits the University of Tennessee as a guest of Dr. Wierschem and gives the seminar “Performance Assessment and Condition Monitoring of Railroad Bridges Using Displacements”.


May, 2016

Dr. Wierschem and Abdollah Javidialesaadi attended the combined Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2016 (EMI 2016) and Probabilistic Mechanics & Reliability Conference 2016 (PMC 2016) in Nashville, TN. Abdollah presented a paper at the conference on the H2 optimization of a tuned viscous mass damper (TVMD) system which includes a rotational inertia device.


May, 2016

Welcome to Tim Jones who joins the group as an MS student.


March, 2016

Dr. Wierschem is selected as a 2016 ASCE ExCEEd Teaching Fellow and will attend a intensive workshop from July 17th to July 22nd at the United States Military Academy (West Point).

November, 2015

Dr. Wierschem attends the NSF NHERI Experimental Facility workshop at Oregon State University


September, 2015

Welcome to Abdollah Javidialesaadi who joins the group as a PhD student.


August, 2015

Dr. Wierschem presents at the Joint 6th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering (6AESE) and 11th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (11ANCRiSST) (Link) in Urbana-Champaign, IL.

August, 2015

Dr. Wierschem joins the University of Tennessee as an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.